Sunday, January 29, 2012

Making the Meal Better!

Go ahead and...

-double a recipe either for a bigger party or leftovers
-playing around with the spices because they are like crayons and if you like using garlic powder or fresh thyme that's alright (the trick is to leave the salt and pepper as is and don't use over a 2 tsp unless your sure of the result)

For that extra Umph...

-always keep in mind of presentation more colors are better
-watch the food to make sure it comes out exactly how you want it to like a perfectly cooked salmon (you'd be amazed at how this even helps)
-don't follow the crowd by bumping up the recipe with more salt or butter, instead add spices to pastas or meats, put different kinds of chocolate in the sweets (or apples in cookies), toss the salad with various nuts not just one or even dried fruits in breads
-find recipes that were mediocre and make them spectacular (if you didn't like the thickness of the sauce add a little more liquids
-better ingredients: use a better quality cheese or top of the line meat (there is a reason why they cost more)
-let the meat get to room temperature before you cook it (not only will it taste like it has more flavor but it will be more tender
-add a bit of red wine to chicken cooking in the pan or white wine to soups because any wine is like a bag full of prepared spices nicely bottled at your disposal (and don't worry it take a few minutes for the alcohol to be evaporated when boiled)

Other Reminders
-make small changes and taste as you cook along
-it takes practice but get to know what ingredients you are working with (tastes and textures)
-sometimes it helps to plan the meal ahead
-good quality knives can make the difference of a 5 minute prep work to 15 minute

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