Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The waiter set the plate in front of me along with two bowls, one of vegetables and the other with fried stuffed...meatballs, maybe? However, my eyes were locked on the main course. Two pieces of perfectly browned and breaded tenderized pork topped with a mushroom and black peppered sauce. Yummy!  
Schweineschnitzel, though I couldn’t pronounce it, seemed to look the best on the menu plus it came with dessert. To me, I have savored enough cheesy stuffed burgers along with some (I cannot even describe how amazing), everything in one, burritos in Mexico. Oh yeah, without forgetting a delicious variety of Polish pierogies, but I haven’t yet had the chance to try a German dish. There were some meals that had Suaerkraut which is pickled shredded cabbage. For those that don’t have enough sour foods that make your lips pucker like a lemon, Suaerkraut is definitely good especially in a wrap with pork, and sweet mustard. I will have to come back with the names of these places that I eat…just the smell of what’s cooking at these restaurants is very distracting –enough to forget where you are. Back to the Schweineschnitzel, the best way to describe how it tastes crunchy, fresh, spicy as well as sweet (from the sauce) and very satisfactory.
As for the other fried stuffed, was it, meatballs? No, not meatballs, they were fried homemade dumplings that if I hadn’t already been stuffed on the fried pork I might have chewed them all down. Those were also crunchy, but right when your teeth would sink into them they’d be soft and moist.
Finally, to complete this fulfilling meal, the dessert arrives. A clear glass with three layers starting at the bottom was ice-cream then a thick strawberry mixture topped with thick whipped cream. The ice-cream itself tasted new, more thick and milky with a slight crunch of ice. Just imagine all your senses tied onto the sweet smells of the strawberries, touch of the cool sundae glass on your fingertips, seeing the cherry on top as if to guide you on where to begin, and forgetting the voice of whoever is talking because you are too distracted with what is about to begin.

Gulp. All done.

Okay, I didn't down it like a shot but it did go pretty fast. One of many, the best ice-cream sundae/waffle things I have ever had.
Now someone, roll me home.

*Side note: Although there are many countries that people cook after, Italian, Mexican, French, Indian, there are some that haven’t seem to even be cracked open German or Polish. I think my recipe book is missing a bit of variety.

How to: get rid of Ground Turkey

Have you ever cooked an ingredient that you normally don’t, just so you can get it out of the fridge or freezer? I don't know what anyone would do with ground turkey, but I needed to make up something. Without the turkey, would mean more space in the freezer, the next time I went grocery shopping. Yay! Yeah, room for ice cream!

I defrosted the turkey and mixed it into a bowl of ketchup, onions, garlic, parmesan cheese, some seasonings and pieces of white bread. At first, I thought I was making meatloaf but then realized I am not into the taste, dry texture, or the idea of meat becoming a loaf (if anyone has ideas on a very juicy and flavorful meatloaf, please let me know). So, I rounded the mixture into balls and cooked them separately until I added a can of pasta sauce. The unusual sight of ground turkey in my kitchen had turned into lip-smacking, cheesy meatballs and spagetti.

My boyfriend, Jason, told me they were awesome. I agreed, but it was a new recipe that needed a jolt of more juice and spice...but in order to do that, I had to get another pound of ground turkey at the store.

So much for my plan of getting rid of it.

In the end, I guess it worked out higher than any expectation I could of had. I suppose the next time I'll use the same method. Find ingredients that seem to go with the item, use a little imagination, and if desperate the internet and create something from useless to pretty handy.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Butter isn't just Butter

What sounds better, hot Italian sausage with nutmeg, basil leaves and fresh, juicy chopped tomatoes or simple sandwich with lettuce, bread and butter pickles and sharp cheddar cheese? 
Some people may like to think simple and cheap recipes are the best. I have definitely found more than a handful of easy recipes that deserve some space on a five-star menu. However, that may not be the best way to pick ingredients.  

A recipe can be simple but some ingredient changes or updates make a humongous difference. Those that like pickles on sandwiches might know the different taste between dill to bread and butter pickles.  The taste varies on what a pickle is immersed in (whether it is garlic, fruit, seeds, or spices) and how long it is left in the mixture. Basically, depending on the taste we want, we may want to try different kinds. Bread and Butter pickles are sugary, but others, like dill, may be sour or salty.
Whether using pickles, butter or any other "simple" ingredient, I say, “Butter isn’t just butter.” Different brands offer new tastes, find out the one that goes on your own sandwich. Trust me, you will notice the difference.