Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to: get rid of Ground Turkey

Have you ever cooked an ingredient that you normally don’t, just so you can get it out of the fridge or freezer? I don't know what anyone would do with ground turkey, but I needed to make up something. Without the turkey, would mean more space in the freezer, the next time I went grocery shopping. Yay! Yeah, room for ice cream!

I defrosted the turkey and mixed it into a bowl of ketchup, onions, garlic, parmesan cheese, some seasonings and pieces of white bread. At first, I thought I was making meatloaf but then realized I am not into the taste, dry texture, or the idea of meat becoming a loaf (if anyone has ideas on a very juicy and flavorful meatloaf, please let me know). So, I rounded the mixture into balls and cooked them separately until I added a can of pasta sauce. The unusual sight of ground turkey in my kitchen had turned into lip-smacking, cheesy meatballs and spagetti.

My boyfriend, Jason, told me they were awesome. I agreed, but it was a new recipe that needed a jolt of more juice and spice...but in order to do that, I had to get another pound of ground turkey at the store.

So much for my plan of getting rid of it.

In the end, I guess it worked out higher than any expectation I could of had. I suppose the next time I'll use the same method. Find ingredients that seem to go with the item, use a little imagination, and if desperate the internet and create something from useless to pretty handy.

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